Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Red and Black Week Day 4~ Skirt and Tie

 Today I actually managed to pull together an outfit with some red in it. Actually, I first looked for another pair of pants to show off, but apparently I've misplaced them, so I'm having a big pant-hunt later. My house just eats things when I look away... Today was my last day of school, so there was a little more reason to dress nicely instead of in a T-shirt and jeans like I've been doing these past couple of days. Exams... *shudders* So I decided to wear one of my ties.

I have a little bit of red lipstick on as well.
Though it doesn't show up very well here.

I curled my hair because it's not something I do very often, and I really liked the result. What I really want to do is learn how to do proper pin curls, but I haven't had the time or patience. I think I might begin curling my hair a little more often though. The red in this outfit is actually hidden in the tie. There are little red diamonds in the pattern.

I also painted my nails for the event after I got home. I had a new sparkly red nail polish to try and I think it was a good buy. It looks even better in person. Of course, I already managed to chip one of them on my fridge...

As for today's movie, I chose Red Riding Hood. We bought it on sale on a whim, and I haven't watched it yet, so I'll withhold judgement until I've seen it. Now to grab some popcorn and get started. If it's not great, I've always got old Star Trek episodes ;)


  1. xxxx little darkling xxxxJune 5, 2013 at 1:12 PM

    Old Star Trek episodes? Oh, I LOVE Star Trek! It's brilliant! Have you seen the new film, with the beautiful Benedict Cumberbach? It is AMAZING!

    I like the tie patten. It makes me want to stare at it for ages....

    (Please, don't take this bit the wrong way!)
    Here in the UK, we say 'pants' for 'underwear'- so I had a private little smile at the word 'pant-hunt'- its what I seem to have to do every morning in the UK way of speaking!

    1. I love Star Trek so so so so much :D I DID see the new movie, and I'm going to mention what I thought of it after Red and Black Week is done because I have so many thoughts to express ^^

      It is a bit hypnotizing isn't it?

      That is HILARIOUS. I'm not going to be able to stop laughing during my search now XD

  2. I started "Power-Tie Mondays" for all of the ladies in my office, but it only lasted a few months, as most of the ladies ran out of ties to wear. Your tie is pretty snazzy.

    1. That's a great idea ^^ I actually only have two ties, but I'd love to have more. And thanks!

  3. that looks like a pretty awesome movie...

  4. lol! My house seems to eat half-slips. I have NO idea how I can misplace so many of them!!

    Why is it that ties always have the coolest patterns that can't be found in any other article of clothing?

    Best of luck on your pant-hunt! ;D

    1. We must solve the mystery of these clothes-eating houses...

      I LOVE all the different patterns you can find on ties. They're limitless!

      Thank you! ^^

  5. I saw that movie on a date a few years ago. It was fun, if kinda silly. You look great!

    1. It was actually pretty entertaining ^^ Thank you! :D

  6. That tie pattern is quite hypnotizing xD I couldn't stop staring at it when I first saw it :3 I mean that in a positive way though ^^ I also love the colour of your nailpolish ^^

    1. It's a bit mesmerizing isn't it? XD And it's a really pretty red! It looks better in person though ^^"
