Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cake and Boots

 It's my BIRTHDAY!

I know it's been a while since I last posted something....sorry! I've been so wrapped up in school work I can't think straight. Today though, I'm pushing my homework to the side to enjoy my birthday properly. I'm turning 16 today! I suppose this is kind of a big deal, but throwing huge parties are not my thing. Instead, we went out shopping and I got a lovely pair of boots on top of my other presents. My expensive present is going to be Halloween Horror Nights as usual so I'll have to wait another 3 weeks for that.

Here's my birthday haul.

There's a giant eyeshadow palette, an Ankh pendant, a black treble clef necklace, two new Batman Comics, The Night Circus, Van Helsing, The Cure pins, and Arkham Asylum for PS3.

Then we went shopping which resulted in this.

I would prefer it if the boots had silver instead of gold buckles, but I liked them too much to pass them up for $10. I'm going to see if I can get them silver somehow though I'm not confident I'll actually be able to.

We also went by the record store, but unfortunately left empty-handed because the prices were too high.

You have no idea how much I wanted this ^^

This was a giant compilation and I just about died when I saw the price...

I really love this album. I can't stand any of the industrial stuff that came afterwards >.<

So that's about it. We're going to go out and eat Thai later which will be awesome because the owner loves us and will probably let us stay after hours. Chances are he'll take out the guitar and I'll get a few special dishes for my birthday.

Two personal posts in a row? Geez, I'm just spamming you with my personal life aren't I? I'll have something else up soon. Who needs essays anyway?  ^^


  1. Happy Birthday! I am insanely jealous of your boots >.<

  2. Happy Birthday! I actually have those boots. I wish the buckles were silver too, but I like 'em anyway. :)

    1. I know I'll find something to match them with ^^ And thank you!

  3. Happy birthday! hope you had an amazing day :) everyone's jealous of the boots, but i am personally wanting that huge eyshadow palette ;) hehe xx

    1. Aw thank you! ^^ And I know, I can't wait to try it out :D
